On Monday I decided to go for a bit longer easy run, I want to keep the quantity up at reasonable levels, but with races every weekend at the moment, I don't want to do too much quality during the week. So I ran 15.5km in the wind and rain at 5:18/km pace. It felt like hard work, even if my heart rate didn't really agree with me (ave 129). Job done.
On Tuesday I went swimming, it went really well, I stuck with the longer 200m intervals, usually in about 3:40. I wanted to swim at least 2k, but continued on to 2600m before deciding that was enough and heading home. I used the pull board for quite a bit to practice my body position, it felt good, but made it very noticeable that my normal body position isn't great! I was concentrating on my high elbows swimming still, I will keep that up from now on.
Wednesday was my midweek cycle. I got a bit lost and ended up doing 71km, but it was pretty fast at 32.xkm/h. I did try to keep the pace up, but I wasn't at 100%, so hopefully I'll be faster come wasserstadt in a month.
Thursday me and Katja went running together. It was 9km in the wind and rain at about 5:40/km pace. My HR was 120 average, which isn't much lower than when I run 5:00/km interestingly. I don't know if that means I need to runs slower more often of not, but it was a nice recovery run, even in awful weather!
Friday was the first day of my 1800KinMay challenge. It was also a bank holiday so I had the day off. As is customary, the weather was crappy so I aimed to hit a gap in the rain. I got hit further south from mainz in the hills near Rockenhausen. I started to get low on sugar on the way home too, so had to stop for a drink and a chocolate bar in Alzey, before doing the last hour home. It was 130km with 1500m climbing at just under 30km/h. It wasn't the most fun ride ever with crappy weather, cold and not eating enough, but as I like to say, it's in the bank now.
Saturday was Backeslauf day. I cycled the 28km to and from Framersheim quite easy, but somehow it was over 30km/h each way.
Today it was raining all day and the wind is still a blowing. (Un)accuweather said it would get better later on, so I waited until 2pm, then had to go. It rained for about 95% of the ride, and it was windy too. It was al least a bit warmer and I took some food with me to avoid Friday's 'situation' repeating itself. I never really felt like cutting it short which is a good thing, but I didn't really go for it either, especially on the downhills or any corners, so my 28.5km/h wasn't too surprising. My front derailleur somehow undid itself with about 15km to ride, so I was stuck in the 39 cog for the last part, but it was pretty much done by them, and I got home with 118km on the odometer, completing my 300km for the long weekend and leaving me only 1500km for May to ride!
Running: 40km (913.6km YTD)
Cycling: 396km (2318km YTD)
Swimming: 2.6km (36.85km YTD)